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Pause Fest 2015 Ident - SEEDBED

SEEDBED. PauseFest 2015 Pause Fest, a leading digital film festival in Australia, approached us as one of ten creatives selected from around the world to create a film for their 2015 festival....


Banksia - Researching


Banksia - Researching

Concept Art

Then we had to show what was behind the surface. We did this using a CG environment that would represent the truer, complex nature of ideas. Seeds were an apt metaphor.  


Concept Art - Environment 

A reference to PauseFest’s location. We developed these into complex, surreal organisms that represented the three stages of ‘the idea’. The present - the perfect circle. The past - the broken, failed circle. And the future - a ripple of natural circles. The look and textures of the different pods would visually punctuate these stages of evolution.


Concept Art - Banksia



Concept Art - Banksia



Concept Art - Banksia


Concept Art - Banksia


Concept Art - Banksia


Concept Art - Banksia

[ Banksia ] is a genus of around 170 species in the plant family Proteaceae. These Australian wildflowers and popular garden plants are easily recognised by their characteristic flower spikes and fruiting "cones" and heads. When it comes to size, banksias range from prostrate woody shrubs to trees up to 30 metres tall. They are generally found in a wide variety of landscapes; sclerophyll forest, (occasionally) rainforest, shrubland, and some more arid landscapes, though not in Australia's deserts.


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