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World Lab Ident - Automation & Precision

''The World Lab'' Series shows the evolutionary process of industries through a visualization of elements unique to each specific industry. The laboratory concept symbolizes the power of Taiwan's research and innovation.

Automation & Precision

The concept of Robot design is inspired by the imagination of transportation.


The main object is to create a futuristic and technological sense of shape and line , along with the associated design of vehicles , we utilize a logical point of view and theory of industrial design .

The final design is code-named MT-206 . We spent almost three months to design and build MT-206, with reference to the nearly 1,000 pictures , which includes cars, motorcycles, and even boats.


Driven by the appearance of the structure and the internal parts , in order that the final design can be connected to the means of transport.


The model MT-206 is composed of 1,905 component parts with 2,700 million Polygon count and 420 textures , each frame is about 2-5 hours rendering time.




Client : Taiwan External Trade Development Council


Director : Sawoozer Wang



Co-Director : Lance Ni


Concept Artist : Camile Kuo, Neven Hsu, Sylvia Chen, Tom Yi


Graphics Deisin : Niven Mo, Walt Wang


CG Supervisor : Juin Chang,  Ralph Waniek


CG Artist : Juin Chang, Lance Ni, Neven Hsu, Tom Yi, Sylvia Chen, Andrew Augustyniak,  Andy Zimirski 


CG Assistant : Ric Hung


Sound Design : Matthew Wilcock  ( ZeligSound )




Special Thanks

13 Studio / Artery Vision / Evermotion





The center part of MT-206 has similar design as Motocycle.


The futuristic and technological design.

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